Succesfully finished R&D project

Succesfully finished R&D project

Project summary

Thanks to the financial support received from the National Research, Development and Innovation Office and the expertise of the companies, Luminochem Kft. and Optimal Optik Kft. successfully achieved their goals set in the tender. Several pairs of security marker detectors have been developed, which can be used to expand the range of products that can be provided with protection of origin, thus greatly increasing product safety and making product counterfeiting more difficult. The pigments and detectors developed by the consortium partners not only represent value together, but are also considered a significant result in themselves.

Luminochem Kft. has developed 7 new products, including UV-fluorescent, NIR-fluorescent and NIR-absorbing compounds. These are very popular security marking materials in the security printing industry. Furthermore, the latter family of compounds may play an important role in the identification and testing of biological samples in the future.

Optimal Optik Kft. has developed instruments that  are unique in the world. Having achieved the set goals, they are suitable for identifying security prints made with chemical origin marking, measuring their spectral properties and reading the codes (QR code, data matrix) created with them.

The collaboration between Luminochem Kft., which develops chemical safety solutions, and Optimal Optik Kft., which develops optical equipment, ensured that high-quality products that meet the needs of the product safety market were developed.

Information on the project:

● Principal of the tender: National Research, Development, and Innovation Office

● Title and ID of project: „Development of a new product security system based on electronic detection of unique optical-spectroscopic signals”, 2020-1.1.2-PIACI-KFI-2020-00155

● Date of decision about funding: 01.12.2020

● Granted amount and funding intensity in total: HUF 291 624 542 (67.9 %)

● Consortium leader:

Luminochem Kft: HUF 195 856 562

● Consortium partner:

● Optimal-optik Kft: HUF 95 767 980

● Duration of the project:

01.01.2021 – 31.12.2022

● Total costs of the project: HUF 429 206 486


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